Internet-based real-time system for planning, monitoring and notification


Decision support systems for sustainable maritime industry.

Anteo is a company that develops decision support systems that will contribute to the sustainable development of the Norwegian aquaculture industry. We deliver real-time solutions for monitoring and notification of activities that may be in conflict with the biosafety principle, at the same time as the solutions will contribute to proposals for risk-reducing measures.

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Anteo Logistics

Anteo's logistics tools provide access to vessels, sensors, data and reports that increase decision support and streamline information retrieval and sharing. It provides a unique opportunity to compare data for locality or vessel, which in turn can be used to develop production and make the logistics around cargo and documentation related to the transport of biological material easier.

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Anteo Fish Health

Our tools for fish health ensure fast and accurate registration of fish welfare indicators as well as government-required lice counts and a simple, precise and secure record keeping of fish health data.

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News & Updates


Why is collaboration important in the aquaculture industry?

The aquaculture industry consists of many players who need to coordinate and communicate with each other in order to farm fish. That's why collaboration across businesses is important. Read more about how collaboration can streamline and simplify communication between stakeholders.


Document fish health through Anteo FishJrnl

One of Anteo's core values is sustainability, both within the company and in relation to the solutions we develop. That's why we have developed the FishJrnl solution together with players in the aquaculture industry. Read more about the solution in the article.


Anteo AS is looking for software developers in Bergen

Employer: Anteo AS. Job title: Developer. Workplace: Trondheim or Bergen. Deadline: Ongoing application deadline. Form of employment: Permanent.