
Anteo FishJrnl

FishJrnl is a user-driven system for simple, precise and secure logging of fish health data. The system includes report styles for standard health inspections where laws and regulations impose formal requirements. The reports are completed on mobile devices such as PC, tablet or smartphones and do not require continuous internet access. As a result, time spent on record logging is reduced and data accessibility is improved.

The journal system can be used independently, but Anteo also facilitates the use of BI solutions, allowing the system to be integrated with existing systems. For instance, if you also use Anteo FishCtrl, the data recorded can be directly  linked into the journal report. The system enables analyses and statistics over time, making it easier to conduct preventive fish health work.

Health report food fish

Health report setfish

Risk assessment treatment

Treatment report food fish

Assistant declaration

Communication report

Standard Prescription and Transfer Prescription

Open Report

Read more about FishJrnl

This product has been developed in line with the following United Nations

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Fish health