Terms of Use for Anteo SaaS Platform


These Terms of Use (the “Terms”) govern your (the “User”) use of the Anteo SaaS Platform (“Platform”) provided by Anteo AS (“Anteo”). The platform provides access to software solutions that facilitate collaboration among stakeholders in the aquaculture industry. 

By using the Platform, the User is considered to have accepted the Terms.


The user must have an account on the Platform in order to utilize the solution. Users of the Platform can either be employees of Anteo's customers or of these customers' clients.

Access to create an account is granted when Anteo's customer notifies that access to the Platform should be provided to a specific user.

The account is created by the user upon logging in with a phone number and a password, which Anteo sends to the user via SMS. The user is responsible for keeping the contact information on the user account up to date at all times.


The user agrees to use the Platform in accordance with these Terms. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and any other agreements the user has entered into regarding access to the Platform, these Terms shall prevail.

Anteo is not responsible for monitoring or otherwise controlling the user's use of the Platform. The user is solely responsible for using the Platform in accordance with the Terms and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The user shall not:

Upload offensive, inappropriate, objectionable, or illegal material.

Upload material that infringes on third-party rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights.

Copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, sell, or sublicense material belonging to Anteo, or use such material for purposes other than the use of the Platform, unless Anteo has consented to it.

Make available to unauthorized parties confidential, non-public information that the user becomes aware of in connection with the use of the Platform, unless Anteo has consented to it.

Use the Platform in a manner that damages, disrupts, or impairs the functionality or security of the Platform.

Resell/re-license their right to use the Platform, and also not copy, decompile, recompile, publish, or examine software or source code related to the Platform.


The user accesses the Platform with the functionality available at any given time.

Anteo provides no warranties regarding functionality or any other matters, including no guarantee that the Platform operates without errors.

Anteo is not liable for indirect losses unless the loss is caused by intentional misconduct or gross negligence by Anteo.

Anteo is not liable for losses resulting from disruption of operation, delay, data errors, data loss, interruptions, or other technical circumstances that prevent or hinder the use of the Platform.

Anteo is not liable for losses related to errors or deficiencies in the user's hardware and/or equipment.


All intellectual property rights (both registered and unregistered) associated with the Platform and materials that the user accesses on the Platform, including but not limited to copyright, database rights, design, and trademarks, belong to Anteo.


Anteo handles personal data in a responsible manner and in accordance with the applicable data protection laws at any given time.

As the provider of the Platform, Anteo acts as a data processor for the processing of personal data on behalf of our customers in connection with the delivery and administration of the Platform, including the processing of data related to the registration of a user account and further use of the Platform. Our obligations as a data processor are governed by a separate data processing agreement with our customers (who are considered data controllers).

Information on how Anteo processes and protects the user's personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy.  


The user may terminate their Anteo account at any time by sending an email to Anteo at support@anteo.no. If the user chooses to terminate their user account, Anteo will be prevented from providing access to the Platform.

If the user has acted in violation of the Terms or uses the Platform in violation of applicable law, Anteo may block the user's access to the Anteo account on a temporary or permanent basis.

If a user has been inactive for more than 12 months, Anteo has the right to temporarily or permanently block the user's access to the Anteo account. Anteo's customer may instruct Anteo to reopen access if new access is to be granted.


Anteo vil varsle sine Brukere om større tillegg eller endringer i Vilkårene før endringene trer i kraft. Dersom vilkårene ikke aksepteres, kan Bruker si opp sin brukerkonto.   

Anteo has the unilateral right to change the Terms.

Updated terms of use are always available on https://www.anteo.no/en/brukervilkar. Updated terms come into effect simultaneously upon publication.

Anteo will notify its users of significant additions or changes to the Terms before the changes take effect. If the terms are not accepted, the user may terminate their user account.


These Terms are subject to and shall be interpreted in accordance with Norwegian law. Disputes arising from or as a result of the Terms shall be sought to be resolved through negotiations. If such negotiations fail to reach a resolution, the matter may be brought before the Trøndelag District Court.